Dissecting a CLIL Unit. Strategies to introduce and learn vocabulary in English

With this entry, I continue discussing different ideas to consider while designing a CLIL Unit.
They are based on the example of one of the CLIL Units of my book, which you can download from the following webpage,  
http://www.e-ducalia.com/libros-texto-educacion-secundaria.phpBiology & Geology 1º ESO CLIL, just by clicking on "Descargar muestra" below the image of the book.

Sometimes it is a bit difficult to motivate students towards the learning of new vocabulary. Indeed, I have always found a bit tedious learning new words. So, how could we motivate students towards learning vocabulary? At the beginning of this Unit (page 9), that deals with the topic of the Universe, I decided to include a Word Cloud that I made myself using the web page http://www.wordle.net/ Students look for words related to the Universe into the Cloud and the copy them down and translate them into Spanish. Later on they use the very same words to make sentences with a given structure, in this case:
 - there is/ there are (hepls to revise singular and plural forms)
 - to be made up of (a grammatical structure quite frequently used in Natural Science)

There are others ways to introduce vocabulary in funnier ways for pupils:
 - what about writing many words on the board or paste them on the walls and ask students deduce what the topic of next Unit will be? Then have a look at the words and analyze them and discuss how they relate to the topic
 - what about a wordsearch or a cross-words? Give them words or definitions and encourage them to find the words. Not only helps with learning vocab, but also with word spelling.
 - what about a gap- filling activity? Give students the words and bet them to see if they can find the right place for each one.
- what about creating a story with a group of different words? or playing taboo? 

Once students have learnt the words and know about their spelling you can play a running dictation with them. Make teams, say a word to one student from each team, and make them to run to the board and write them on. Being the fastest is not enough to get points for their group, but they also must be sure their spelling is the right one.

As you can see, vocabulary learning does not have to be boring, just find and try new ways to make the most of it!!!!

Next topic, graphics to help learn content.

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