Classroom language: Students' behaviour and absentism

When teaching in English, knowing the right words to refer to something in Shakespeare's language is indispensable. So, I have decided to begin a series of blog entries dealing with this.

Here I leave you some useful expressions related to students' behaviour, that deal with how to call the different strategies teachers have at hand to correct or improvetheir students conduct:
 - give a warning
 - take disciplinary action
 - confiscate a mobile
 - keep a student in after school detention
 - make a student stay at break time

I consider also of high importance to know how to talk about students who are absent or late. When I began to work as a bilingual teacher, I noticed that these were sentences I have to use quite often and I did not have a clue how to say them in English. It took me some time to discover it and use them properly.
 - call the register (if you read it aloud) or take the register (if you or a student writes down who is missing or absent)
 - being absent or being late
 - a parents', guardian' s or doctor' s note
 - justify and absence......

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